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Articles and Prepositions

Articles and Prepositions


  • A, an, and the are the articles.
  • A thing is specific or unspecific is told by the articles.
  • For Example –

1. This is the pond. (Specific)

2. This is a pond. (Unspecific)


 Two types of Articles

  1.  Definite Article
  • The is known as the definite article because tells about the specific things.
  • Example–

I liked the white sweet after the dinner.

  1.  Indefinite articles
  • A and an are the indefinite articles.
  • They indicate the things which are unspecific.
  • Example-

I like to eat a white sweet after the dinner. 

When to use An and A?

  • To make speaking simply we use An instead of A.
  • When there is a vowel sound in the first sound of the next word then An is to be used.
  • Sound determines the use of a not the letter.
  • For example-

A house, An hour

Use of indefinite articles with singular nouns

  • A, An is used with only singular nouns.
  • These are not used with the uncountable nouns.
  • For example –

1. I need an air. (wrong)

2.I need air. (correct)


  • A word which is used to show the relationship between the other two words nearby is called as a preposition.
  • The meaning of the word preposition is positioned before.
  • For example –

This girl is from Delhi.

(From is a preposition showing the relationship between girl and Delhi)



Example –

  • The book about the river.
  • The book by the river.
  • The book near the river.
  • The book behind the river.
  • The book under the river.

 Role of a Preposition

  • A noun or pronoun is preceded by a preposition to show a relationship with another word.
  • Examples –

1. It is a jar of milk

2. He is the president of India 

List of common prepositions

  • About, above, against, across, along, around, among, before, at, behind, beneath, below, beside, beyond, between , by, during, down, except, from, for, inside, in, into, near, like, of, on, off near, to, since, toward, under, though, up, until, upon, within and with. 

Prepositional phrase

  • An object of the preposition and the preposition make a prepositional phrase.
  • These phrases are very common.
  • They function as adverbs or adjectives.
  • Examples –
  • It is a note from John.
  • Mark is stuck on the island


  • A, an, and the are the articles.
  • A thing is specific or unspecific is told by the articles.
  • A word which is used to show the relationship between the other two words nearby is called as a preposition.
  • The meaning of the word preposition is positioned before.

Quiz for Articles and Prepositions


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

How many times would 'the' have to be added?

a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 1


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents.

a) The
b) An
c) A
d) No error


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. They need to learn to be independent.

a) An
b) The
c) A
d) No error


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent.

a) A
b) An
c) The
d) No error


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child.

a) The
b) An
c) A
d) No error


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need.

a) An, The
b) A, The
c) The, The
d) No error


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. Parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions.

a) The
b) An
c) A
d) No error


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched.

a) A
b) The
c) An
d) No error


In family relationship, as children get older they need to feel more independent from their parents. They need to learn to be independent. But it is also natural for loving parents to worry about their growing child. Typical adolescent does disobedient thing here, dangerous thing there. Adolescent sometimes needs to grow without being constantly watched by their parent. Adolescent may lie about where he or she is going or what he or she is doing, to gain sense of independence they need. Also, parent needs to sometimes watch their child and make sure they are making good decisions. But to know what their child is really doing, parents may need to watch in secret. Their child will behave differently or try harder to hide things if child knows he or she is being watched. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them. Read the above paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Select the article that needs to be added to the following sentences taken from the paragraph. So parents may lie to child about how closely they are watching them.

a) The
b) An
c) A
d) No error


Fill in the blanks using articles.

____ alliance was formed at this place.

a) A
b) An
c) The
d) none of the above

Your Score: 0/10

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