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Jumbled Words – Fun time!

Jumbled Words – Fun time!

Converting the jumbled words into a meaningful word isn’t just a playful exercise but adds on new words into your mind and enhances your grammar language. For learners who want to have a good long term relationship with English language will face problems with activities initially but with time everything will be on your side as you are basically working on your language skills. And with good language skills you will have good spoken English.


 Understanding the term “Jumbled Words"

The word jumble means mix up or disarranged or disordered. The task is totally based upon your understanding and attention to detail over the words given to you in order to convert them to meaningful sentences. The task of making the meaningful words from the disordered or the jumbled words given to you requires certain skill enlisted below:

  1. Your ability to understand the words and convert them to meaningful sentences
  2. Attention to detail while going through the words.
  3. The hold of command in your language.


Points to Remember

Importance of Jumbled Words

Increases your Vocabulary: Solving jumbled words puzzles enhances your vocabulary as with every passing day you will add on or grab new words in your brain. Don’t get distressed if you aren’t able to solve a few of them as gradually you will learn new words, enhance your vocabulary.

Allows you to pay attention to detail: Solving jumbled words puzzles allows you to pay attention to detail so that you quickly guess the answers to the questions asked in form of jumbled sentences.

Compulsory Comprehension Skills

  1. Inference the words properly.
  2. Problem Solving

Relating Knowledge with the Background

Getting hold of the primary ideas and details.

Comparing with previous knowledge

Sequencing the sentences.

These set of skills are really important for one while comprehending.

Few Exercises

Kiddies let’s get Started!

Example 1: Rearrange the following sentences to a meaningful paragraph. The lines given in this example have to be arranged to make a meaningful conclusive paragraph.

  • He went to the washroom quickly.
  • Siddharth woke up late this morning.
  • And he managed to catch the bus.
  • He kept all the books in his bag before leaving for the bus.
  • He reached the school timely.
  • He got scolding from his mother.
  • After the school was over he reached home.
  • He promised that he will not repeat the same next time.
  • And the next morning he woke up early.


Siddharth woke up late this morning. He went to the washroom quickly. He kept all the books in his bag before leaving for the bus. And he managed to catch the bus. He reached the school timely. After the school was over he reached home. He got scolding from his mother. He promised that he will not repeat the same next time. And the next morning he woke up early.

Liked it? Are the answer’s matching kiddies? If yes then it’s a good start! And if no, then don’t get disheartened as practice makes a man perfect. Practice and be the masters of handling these jumbled words!  

Moving on to the next exercise, tighten your belt and solve it properly. A different thing is stored for you!

Example 2: Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.

  1. a) Lake/ jumped/ the/ man/ into/ the
  2. b) I / playing/ cricket/ was/ in/ the/ evening


  1. a) The man jumped into the lake.
  2. b) I was playing cricket in the evening.

Hope you enjoyed both the activities. And now it’s time for the recap!


  1. The word jumble means to mix up or disarranged or disordered.
  2. Solving jumbled words puzzles enhances your vocabulary as with every passing day you will add on or grab new words in your brain.
  3. Solving jumbled words puzzles allows you to pay attention to detail so that you quickly guess the answers to the questions asked in form of jumbled sentences.
  4. It helps you to have a command on your language

So, this was all the basics of adjectives. Hope this makes your concepts clearer!


Quiz for Jumbled Words – Fun time!


astry: Identify the correct word.

a) trays
b) stray
c) either a or b
d) none of the above


vasant: guess this word which means "a person of learning".

a) savant
b) vanast
c) either a or b
d) none of the above


Can you provide some more __(siginht)?

a) signiht
b) signhit
c) insigth
d) insight


tinctin: Identify the correct word.

a) intincts
b) instinct
c) tintinc
d) none of the above


berso: guess this word which means "not drunk or intoxicated".

a) serbo
b) sober
c) besro
d) sorbe


vialtri: Identify the correct word.

a) trivial
b) ritvial
c) ritvail
d) trivail


tpein: guess this word which means "unfit or unsuitable".

a) inpet
b) tenip
c) tenpi
d) inept


The mountain is __ (collossa).

a) solocal
b) localso
c) colossal
d) cololass


tailde: Identify the correct word.

a) detial
b) detali
c) etdail
d) detail


epitoem: guess this word which means "the best in a class of items".

a) epitome
b) etipome
c) emitope
d) none of the above

Your Score: 0/10

Other Chapters of Class 5


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