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Understanding the information present in the instruction manual format and message format

Understanding the information present in the instruction manual format and message format

Instructions are basically a set of procedures or points which are to be taken into account while using any product be it a usual one, travel product or an automobile product.

Products are prepared and sold by the manufacturers for two reasons which are as follows:


  • Customer satisfaction is one of the important reasons which is always under the consideration while preparing the product. As if customers are completely satisfied with their product then only they will reach various heights in their business and earn huge profits.

  • To allow easy usage of the products by the customers various measures are taken into consideration, out of which one is providing users with the instruction manuals.

Now the question is what are these instruction manuals?

Definition of Instruction Manuals

Operation of any system or products requires a certain set of instructions. And when these set of instructions are represented in any type of book or booklet then it is known as the instruction manual.

The instructional manuals are given to the customer along with the product at the time of delivery so that the person can operate the product at his home.


Product Manuals

We purchase several products daily for our basic needs. For example, we need a soap to bathe and this soap is a product, we need a coffee powder to make coffee and this coffee powder is also a product.

Now there are various tips which are to be taken care of while using a product manual. They are as follows:

  • You should read the whole manual very carefully.
  • You should not miss the steps mentioned while reading the manual.
  • Contact the company in case you have a doubt regarding the usage of the product.
  • Don’t misplace these manuals after reading them once.

The examples of the products provided with the manuals are the drill machines, vacuum cleaner, microwave and many more.

Travel Product Manuals

Other than the products which we use in our daily life there are products which we use during our long journeys or during our travel time. Some of these products are provided with the manuals and the various tips which are to be taken care of while traveling is as follows:

  • Don’t forget to keep all your essentials in your bag pack.
  • Don’t miss on your phone, charger, and ear plugs. Keep your valet safely in your bag and do check the same before leaving.
  • And ladies, don’t miss your beauty product before going on a long journey!

The various examples of the travel products are books, games, wheelchair, tablets and other products used during the journeys.

Automobile Manuals

Automobile products will definitely have manuals with them to allow users to use the products efficiently with facing any problems with it. Automobile devices or products are used worldwide to make their life easy to go. Some of these products are provided with the manuals and the various tips which are to be taken care of while traveling is as follows:

  • First of all, keep the products away from the reach of children, especially the cars. One thing which is to be noted is that “Speed thrills but kills!"
  • Use these products with proper safety and don’t forget to wear seatbelts while driving!
  • You should not misplace the manual and the warranty card issued along with the product.
  • You should read the whole manual very carefully.

So, this was all about the manuals, their uses and the instructions. Hope it helps! 

Quiz for Understanding the information present in the instruction manual format and message format


Read the following instructions and answer the questions that follow:

If you prepare your excel sheet on Tuesday instead of Monday, then when will your dues be cleared?

a) Not mentioned
b) By Friday
c) By Thursday
d) either b or c


Read the following instructions and answer the questions that follow

After you have worked for a month on weekly payment, what will be your new payment system?

a) Monthly
b) Biannually
c) Biennially
d) Triennially


Read the following instructions and answer the questions that follow:

Why will you be paid fortnightly in the starting?

a) Because initially you will be doing more work as you will be passionate about the work
b) Because new recruits may leave if they are not paid initially
c) To develop trust on the company
d) Because if they don't like their word,they can dismiss them at any time


Read the following instructions and answer the questions that follow

On what does the TAT primarily depend on?

a) On the employer
b) On the employee
c) On the length of the video
d) On mutual agreement


Read the following instructions and answer the questions that follow:

Which of the following cannot be a TAT for a 60 minute video?

a) 25hours
b) 24hours
c) 23hours
d) 22hours


13 steps are given below on how to wash a jeans.Read them and answer the questions that follow:

Fill in the blank: Direct pouring of the __ on the wash water may cause __ and discolouration of the jeans.

a) fabric softener, staining
b) woolite, shrinking
c) cold water, deformation
d) hot water/straining


13 steps are given below on how to wash a jeans. Read them and answer the questions that follow:

How much woolite is to be added to the load?

a) equal to 3 tea-spoons
b) 3 mugs
c) either a or b
d) whatever is recommended for that size of load


13 steps are given below on how to wash a jeans. Read them and answer the questions that follow:

When should the jeans be added to the washer?

a) Whenever it gets dirty
b) When the woolite has dissolved
c) When the water has not started to fill
d) When water is filled but woolite is about to dissolve


13 steps are given below on how to wash a jeans. Read them and answer the questions that follow:

When should the softener be added? (if required)

a) during rinsing
b) When the woolite has dissolved
c) during the washing
d) while the water is getting filled


13 steps are given below on how to wash a jeans. Read them and answer the questions that follow:

What should be the load setting when washing 5 pairs of jeans together?

a) to the smallest
b) to the medium
c) to the largest
d) any of the above will do

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