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Nouns And Pronouns

Nouns And Pronouns

Definition of Noun

A noun is a name of an individual, human, animal, place or thing. For example:

  • Rohan is a good boy.
  • I visited Mumbai last week.
  • Tiger is our national animal.


Types of Noun

There are seven different types of Noun. They are as follows:

  • Proper Noun is the name of a specific person or place. For e.g:
  1. I stay in Delhi.
  2. Naina goes to school every day.
  • Common Noun is the name given in common to the same category person, place or thing. For e.g:
  1. India is a developing country.
  2. Paul is a boy.
  • Collective Noun is the name given collectively to a group of persons, places or things. For e.g:
  1. A herd of cattle.
  2. An army of ants.
  3. All the collective nouns are used in their singular form. The plural form of any collective noun is a common noun. 
  • Abstract Noun is a word that describes an action, activity, emotion, thought, state or any quality of a person, place or thing. In the real world, abstract nouns don’t have any existence, they are only used to relate a change with respect to the object. Example:
  1. Sword is mightier than the pen.
  2. The joke was so funny that no could control their laughter. 
  • Material Noun is the name of those materials from which things are being made. Example:
  1. Electric wires are made of copper.
  2. My wife gifted me a gold. 
  • Countable Noun is the names of those person, place or thing that can be counted. For e.g:
  1. I bought five pens
  2. The shopkeeper gave me three e.ggs.
  • Uncountable Noun is the names of those person, place or thing that cannot be counted. They can only be measured or weighed. Example:
  1. In today’s world, only money can buy happiness.
  2. There is no information regarding our exams.

Noun: On the basis of Numbers

  1. On the basis of numbers, a noun is divided into two parts:
  2. Singular are those which counts only one person or thing. For e.g:
  3. I have a pen.
  4. The building is very high.
  5. Plurals are those which counts more than one place or thing. Example:
  6. The girls are studying.
  7. I have completed my studies.

Noun: On the basis of Gender

On the basis of gender, a noun can be further divided into four parts:

  • Masculine gender contains all the male noun. Example:

      boy, god, man, king,

  • Feminine gender includes all the female noun. Example:

      girl, woman, goddess, queen,

  • Common gender means either male or female. Example:

      parent, student, doctor, magician,

  • Neuter gender signifies a neutral gender, i.e., neither male nor female. Example:

      chair, table, fan, book,

Definition of Pronoun

A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. For e.g: he, she, I, we, they, this, etc.


Types of Pronoun

  • Personal Pronoun is of three types 


  • Possessive Pronoun is used to relate a person or thing to a person. For e.g:
  • This is my
  • This is our
  • That is your pencil. Mine is new. 
  • Reflexive Pronoun is used to mention back the subject within the same sentence. For e.g:

        He himself closed the door.

        We must take care of ourselves.

  • Relative Pronoun is used for writing a relative clause in a sentence. Examples are: who, whose, that, which, whom,

        I saw the person who stole my bag.

  • Interrogative Pronoun is used when someone asks a question. For e.g:

       Whose property is this?

        Who did this?

  • Indefinite Pronoun is used to refer to people or things without specifying them. For e.g: somebody, someone, something, nobody, anybody, anything, nothing, no one, nobody, everybody, everything, few, neither, either, some, many,
  • Demonstrative Pronoun is used to refer to a thing(s). For e.g: this, that, these, those,



  1. A noun is a name of a person, place or thing.
  2. A proper noun is the name of a specific person or place.
  3. A common noun is a name given in common to person, place or thing which are of the same
  4. A collective noun is used to describe a group of person, place or thing.
  5. The material noun is the name of the material from which things are being made.
  6. An abstract noun is a name used to describe an emotion, thought, action, activity, etc.
  7. A countable noun is which can be counted. An uncountable noun is which cannot be counted, they can only be measured.


  1. A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.
  2. Personal pronounce includes first person, second person, and third person.
  3. The possessive pronoun is used to show one’s possession of a person or thing.
  4. A reflexive pronoun is used to imply back to the subject within the same sentence.
  5. The relative pronoun is used to mention or introduce a relative clause in a sentence.
  6. An interrogative pronoun is used while asking questions.
  7. An indefinite pronoun is used to refer to people or things without specifying them.
  8. A demonstrative pronoun is purely used for referring to things.

Quiz for Nouns And Pronouns


Fill in the blanks with appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

Shall I take __________ chocolates?

a) This
b) Those
c) That
d) It


Fill in the blanks with appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

I love watching ________ show.

a) Those
b) These
c) It
d) This


Fill in the blanks with appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

__________ flowers belong to her.

a) These
b) That
c) This
d) It


Fill in the blanks with appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

_____________ is one way to do it.

a) These
b) That
c) Those
d) None


Fill in the blanks with appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

________ shoes are nice.

a) It
b) That
c) Those
d) This


Read each of the sentences and determine the noun type of the capitalized words.

Selena wants SUCCESS.

a) Plural Concrete Common Noun
b) Singular Concrete Common Noun
c) Singular Abstract Proper Noun
d) Singular Abstract Common Noun


Read each of the sentences and determine the noun type of the capitalized words.

The movie was interrupted by BABIES' crying.

a) Possessive Common Noun
b) Plural Common Noun
c) Possessive Proper Noun
d) Plural Proper Noun


Read each of the sentences and determine the noun type of the capitalized words.

Ridhi was selected for internship in the INDIAN SCIENCE CENTER.

a) Possessive Proper Noun
b) Singular Common Noun
c) Possessive Common Noun
d) Singular Proper Noun


Read each of the sentences and determine the noun type of the capitalized words.

The DOG'S bark was worse than his bite.

a) Possessive Common Noun
b) Plural Common Noun
c) Plural Proper Noun
d) Possessive Proper Noun


Read each of the sentences and determine the noun type of the capitalized words.

The CHILDREN'S playroom floor was full of toys.

a) Abstract Common Noun
b) Singular Common Noun
c) Possessive Proper Noun
d) Plural Common Noun

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