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A verb is a word that represents an action, an occurrence or conveys a state of being.


  • Ms. Hales takes the class today morning.

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What does Ms. Hales do today morning?

She takes the class.

The action she is doing is “taking" the class.

So, the action is denoted by the word “takes". In that case that word “takes" is the verb.

  • The Students write their examination in the Lawtey hall.

Here, the word “write" is the verb.

There are four types of verbs

  1. Transitive verbs.

A transitive verb is the verb which takes an object.

  • Hales takes the class today morning.

By this sentence, Ms. Hales takes the class.


The word “Ms. Hales" is the noun.

The word “the class" is the object.

The word “takes" is the verb.

  • An uncivilized man killed John Kennedy.
  1. Intransitive verb.

An intransitive verb is a verb which does not take an object.

  • He laughed loudly.

In this sentence, the verb “laughed" does not need an object to complete the sentence. So, the verb “laugh" is an intransitive verb.

• I daily wake up at 5am.

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Here the verb “wake" does not need an object for completing itself. So, the verb “wake" is an intransitive verb.

  1. Auxiliary verb:

A verb which helps another verb to form its tense, voice or mood is called an Auxiliary verb.

Example: -

They have done very well in the examinations

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  1. Modal verbs:

The following verbs are called Modal verbs:

Shall, should, will, would, may, might, can, could, must, ought and dare are called modal verbs.

  1. You shall not go out without my permission

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  1. I will not miss this opportunity.


There are different kinds of adverbs expressing different meaning. The following are some of the common ones.

Adverb of time

An adverb of time tells us when something is done or happens. We use it at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. Adverbs of time include afterwards, already, always, immediately, last month, now, soon, then, and yesterday.


  1. He collapsed and died yesterday.

  1. His factory was burned down a few months ago

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Adverb of place

An adverb of place tells us where something is done or happens. We use it after the verb, direct object or at the end of a sentence. Adverbs of place include words such as above, below, here, outside, over there, there, under, upstairs.


  1. We can stop here for lunch.

  1. The schoolboy was knocked over by a school bus.

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Adverb of manner

An adverb of manner tells us how something is done or happens. Most adverbs of manner end in –ly such as badly, happily, sadly, slowly, quickly, and others that include well, hard, fast.


  • The brothers were badly injured in the fight.

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  • They had to act fast to save the others floating in the water.

Adverb of degree

An adverb of degree tells us the level or extent that something is done or happens. Words of adverb of degree are almost, much, nearly, quiet, really, so, too, very, etc.


  1. It was too dark for us to find our way out of the cave.

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  1. The referee had to stop the match when it began to rain heavily.

Adverb of frequency

An adverb of frequency tells us how often something is done or happens. Words used as adverbs of frequency include again, almost, always, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, nearly, nearly always, never, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, twice, usually, and weekly.


  1. They were almost fifty when they got married.
  1. While overseas, he frequently phoned home.

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  • A Verb is a word that represents an action, an occurrence or a state of being.
  • There are four types of verbs that include:
    1. Transitive Verb
    2. Intransitive Verb
    3. Auxiliary Verb
    4. Modal Verb
  • Transitive verb is the verb which takes an object in consideration.
  • Intransitive Verb is the verb which does not take an object in consideration.
  • A verb which helps another verb to form its tense, voice or mood is called an Auxiliary verb.
  • A model verb shows the possibility of an event to occur.

  • Adverbs are a very broad collection of words that may describe how, where, or when an action took place. They may also express the viewpoint of the speaker about the action, the intensity of an adjective or another adverb, or several other functions.
  • There are different types of adverbs:
    1. Adverb of time
    2. Adverb of place
    3. Adverb of manner
    4. Adverb of frequency
  • An adverb of time tells us when something is done or happens.
  • An adverb of place tells us where something is done or happens.
  • An adverb of manner tells us how something is done or happens.
  • An adverb of frequency tells us how often something is done or happens.

Quiz for Verbs


Identify which type of verb is the word given in highlighted in the given sentences.

Rita "sang," but no one came to listen.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Neither a or b
d) Both a and b


Identify which type of verb is the word given in highlighted in the given sentences.

I "am listening" to songs.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Linking
d) Helping


Identify which type of verb is the word given in highlighted in the given sentences.

How "do" you manage your time so well?

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Linking
d) Not a verb


Identify which type of verb is the word given in highlighted in the given sentences.

Don Matt was "awarded" the medal of honour for his bravery.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Helping
d) Not a verb


Identify the type of verb which is highlighted in the given sentence.

I always "drink" water first thing in the morning.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Helping
d) Linking


Identify the type of verb which is highlighted in the given sentence.

Which games do you "play"?

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Linking
d) Helping


Identify the type of verb which is highlighted in the given sentence.

Oh god! You "took" me by surprise!

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Linking
d) Helping


Identify the type of verb which is highlighted in the given sentence.

One "has" to study hard to become a doctor.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Linking
d) Helping


Identify the type of verb which is highlighted in the given sentence.

We must "strive" hard to find our purpose in life.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Linking
d) Helping


Identify the type of verb which is highlighted in the given sentence.

The world "needs" great leaders like you.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Linking
d) Helping

Your Score: 0/10

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