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Adjectives - The Describing Words!

Adjectives - The Describing Words!

Nouns are used to identify a person, place, animal, thing or an idea. But if you are asked to describe or explain the quality of noun then what will you do? Suppose you have to describe a type of smell or want to tell how an animal like rabbit looks like, then what will you do?



The solution for this is the use of adjectives! Now your next question would be that what are the adjectives?

Definition of Adjectives

Adjectives are the words used to describe the nouns. They are often called as the “Describing words". Adjectives add beauty to the nouns. It enables you to explain the quality or the features of the noun.


Now, with the help of adjectives, you can describe any type of smell or animal-like rabbit. You can explain whether the smell is stinky, sweet or delicious.



You can also explain that whether the rabbit is of white or brown colour, his skin is soft or hard and if he looks cute or not.


Uses of the Adjectives

With the help of adjectives one can explain or describe:

  1. How much of a particular thing you are talking about. For example: Can you bring five roses?
  1. How many that is how much amount of a particular thing you are talking about. For example: Give me five kilograms of potatoes.
  • To provide the description of a particular thing. For example Yesterday I saw a white coloured rabbit in the garden.
  1. To explain the state of a particular person or an organism. For example My father is very angry at this moment.



Degrees of Comparison

There is always a difference between the good, better and best. This difference is as a result of comparisons which are being made between people, things or any other stuff. We are able to compare between stuffs using the degrees of comparisons.

These degrees of comparisons are of three types:

  • Absolute
  • Comparative
  • Superlative

Absolute Adjectives are those which cannot be compared or intensified with others. They are of their own type. For example: A messy room.

Comparative Adjectives are those which can be compared with others. They are not of their own type. For example: A messier room.

Superlative Adjectives are those which are at the top of the comparison charts. No other super form is available after this. For example: A messiest room.

Coordinate Adjectives

Coordinate Adjectives are also known as paired adjectives which separated by using comma or and. They are used to modify the same.

Examples of coordinate adjectives are as follows:

  1. It was a dark and stormy night.
  2. Today is a bright and sunny day.



  1. With the help of adjectives how much, how many amounts of a particular thing you are talking about.
    • Comparative Adjectives are those which can be compared with others.
    • Coordinate Adjectives are also known as paired adjectives which separated by using a comma or and.

So, this was all the basics of adjectives. Hope this makes your concepts clearer!

Quiz for Adjectives - The Describing Words!


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

The slimy snail crawled all the way into my pants (Qualitative)

a) Snail
b) crawled
c) all
d) slimy


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

Slow and steady wins the race (Qualitative)

a) Slow
b) wins
c) and
d) race


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

We always marvel at majestic monuments (Qualitative)

a) marvel
b) always
c) majestic
d) monuments


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence:

The car flipped in the second round (Numerical)

a) car
b) flipped
c) round
d) second


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

The Queen was feeling blue (Qualitative)

a) blue
b) Queen
c) feeling
d) the


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

The disloyalty shown by his friend broke his heart (Qualitative)

a) broke
b) disloyalty
c) heart
d) shown


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

The singer was complaining of a sore throat (Qualitative)

a) complaining
b) sore
c) singer
d) throat


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

There were colors of green due to jealousy between friends (Qualitative)

a) jealousy
b) colors
c) green
d) between


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

My mother gave me a dozen buns to distribute amongst the poor (quantitative)

a) poor
b) buns
c) distribute
d) dozen


Choose the correct word/words that describes the type of adjective from the sentence

The birds were chirping on a sunny morning. (Qualitative)

a) sunny
b) chirping
c) morning
d) birds

Your Score: 0/10

Other Chapters of Class 5


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