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Voices and Narration

Voices and Narration

Study of voices that is the active and the passive voice is something which is in everyone’s interest. At times, students get confused with what actually are we talking about, his voice the sound coming from our mouth or some other thing that we aren’t aware of? You may ponder on the topic what voices is it, kiddo!

Okay now take a pause! Relax and listen. The word voice has two meanings one, which is the sound that you hear from your throat while the other is used in the English grammar. We all have different voices but the voices of the English grammar are of two types namely,

  • Active Voice
  • Passive voice

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Now, we will know about all these voices one by one.

Active Voice

Active voice is all about the subject. It emphasizes the subject or the person performing the action. It shows that the person or the subject is performing the action.

The examples of active voice are as follows:

  • Shambhavi wrote an essay about her maternal grandfather’s cancer.

In the above sentence, Shambhavi is the subject or the person who is doing the action while the word written, depicts the work done by Shambhavi or the doer of the task. And the rest of the sentence, an essay about her maternal grandfather’s cancer is the receiver of the action.

  • My mom cooked the chicken to the perfection.

Similarly, in the above sentence, mom is the subject and verb is the word cooked and the receiver of the action is chicken to the perfection.

When do we use active voice?

  • It is used when a subject or a person acts in a sentence.
  • It is called active because the subject does the action.
  • In is basically used when the subject does the action of a verb.

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Passive Voice

Passive voice is all about the object. It emphasizes upon the object of the active sentence receiving the action. In passive voice, the subject receives the action, while in active voice the subject performs the action.

It emphasizes upon the person who is receiving the action. The examples of passive voice are as follows:

  1. The chicken was cooked to perfection by my mom.

In this sentence, chicken is the object who receives the action while the verb is the same, cooked and the doer of the task or the action is a mom.

  1. The essay about cancer was written by Shambhavi.

Similarly, in this sentence, the object who receives the action is the essay while the verb is written and the doer of the task or the action is Shambhavi.

When do we use passive voice?

  1. It is used when an object or a person receives the action in a sentence.
  1. It is called passive because the object receives the action.
  1. It is basically used when the object receives the action of a verb.

<li><span style=Narration Tags

The tags used during the narration of any type of information or message are known as the narration tags. They are of two types namely,

  • Direct speech
  • Indirect speech

The two types of speeches are used during the narration of any type of message or information to a person.

The example of the same is as follows:

Direct speech: Mr. Kumar said he wanted to meet my father.

Indirect speech: Mr. Kumar said that he wanted to meet my father.

So, this was all about the narration tags and now, it’s the time for the recap!



  1. The voices of the English grammar are of two types active and passive voice.
  2. Active voice emphasizes upon the subject or the person performing the action.
  3. Passive voice emphasizes upon the object of the active sentence receiving the action.
  4. The tags used during the narration of any type of information are known as the narration tags.

 So, this was all the basics of voices and narration tags. Hope this makes your concepts clearer!



Quiz for Voices and Narration


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

She faxed the application for a new job.

a) The application for a new job was being faxed.
b) The application for a new job was going to be faxed.
c) The application for a new job was faxed by her.
d) The application for a new job is being faxed by her.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The critic wrote a scathing review.

a) A scathing review the critic wrote.
b) A scathing review was written by the critic.
c) The critic was writing a scathing review.
d) A scathing review is being written by the critic.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The crew paved the entire stretch of highway.

a) The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew.
b) The entire stretch of highway is being paved by the crew.
c) The crew has been paving the entire stretch of highway.
d) The entire stretch of highway is paved by the crew.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The staff is required to watch a safety video every year.

a) The staff should be watching a safety video every year.
b) A safety video will be watched by the staff every year.
c) A safety video would be watched every year by the staff.
d) A safety video is being watched by the staff every year.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

Larry generously donated money to the homeless shelter.

a) To the homeless shelter Larry donated money generously.
b) Larry to the homeless shelter donated money generously.
c) Money is being donated to the homeless shelter by Larry.
d) Money was generously donated to the homeless shelter by Larry.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The kangaroo carried her baby in her pouch.

a) The baby has been carried in her pouch.
b) The baby will be carried by the kangaroo in her pouch.
c) The baby was carried by the kangaroo in her pouch.
d) In her pouch the baby is carried by the kangaroo.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow.

a) Tomorrow victory is going to be celebrated by the team.
b) Their victory will be celebrated by the team tomorrow.
c) Victory tomorrow will be celebrated by the team.
d) The team is going to be celebrating their victory tomorrow.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The director will give you instructions.

a) Instructions are being given to you by the director.
b) Instructions were given to you by the director.
c) Director will be giving you instructions.
d) Instructions will be given to you by the director.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The saltwater eventually corroded the metal beams.

a) The metal beams were eventually corroded by the saltwater.
b) The saltwater was eventually corroded by the metal beams.
c) The metal beams were going to be eventually corroded by the saltwater.
d) The metal beams will be eventually corroded by the saltwater.


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

The homeowners remodelled the house to help it sell.

a) The house was remodelled by the homeowners to help it sell.
b) The house is going to be remodelled by the homeowners to help it sell.
c) The house is remodelled by the homeowners to help it sell.
d) The house will be remodelled by the homeowners to help it sell.

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