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We have preparation material for class 6. The English material is made in such a way that it caters to the demand of both Olympiad books for class 6 and normal school curriculum books of English for class 6. If you are looking for English Olympiad book PDF, then you can check our English notes to get a better understanding of each and every Olympiad topic of class 6. Each English topic consists of their definitions, along with their sub-topics. There are solved examples of each sub-topic. We also have practice questions for English Olympiad after solved examples of English topics. The English notes for class 6 end with a recap section, so that you can have a quick revision for the English Olympiad topic that you just studied. These free English Olympiad preparation material will help you to get a clear understanding of all the topics of a particular class for English Olympiad.  The providers of English Olympiad books for class 6 may not have updated syllabus and topics. Whereas, we have updated syllabus and topics for English, along with the practice questions of English Olympiad, which you may not find in offline English Olympiad books for class 6.


Adverbs These are words which are used to qualify verbs. In other words, just as adjectives tells about nature of a noun, adverb tells about verbs! Some Examples He drives…

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Jumble Words

Agree or not, jumble words are always fun to solve. They give pleasure as well as test our grammatical knowledge to an extent of their difficulty. But first, let's know…

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Letter From the time we don't know about, letters are being used for sharing opinions, ideas and many more such purposes. They are the most amazing, reliable and strong medium…

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Tenses Tenses are used to show the time of action in a sentence. Tenses have been categorised into 3 parts:- Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense As the name suggests,…

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Comprehension (Prose & Poetry)

 Prose and poetry both are forms of language where ideas are directed towards the audience, but the only difference is the mode of doing so. Prose They are simple straightforward…

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Short Composition

Message These are short texts targeted for a particular person who is not present at the spot but will be in short interval and the writer will not be by…

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Determiners & Conjunctions

Conjunction As the word says, con + junction, there are words which act as a junction between the different sentences. They are used so that the sentences may intersect each…

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Reported Speech

Reported Speech is used to tell what a person said to him/her, to the third person. Say I told you that, “You are my friend." Now someone asks you what…

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The process of writing or naming words is called spelling. Spelling is a combination of letters to form a meaningful word. A misspelt word is a series of letters that…

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Phrasal verbs and Idioms

Phrasal verbs: Phrasal verbs are a combination of a verb and one or two other particles such as a preposition or an adverb.Examples,• Stand with, look into, cope with, etc.…

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Nouns: A noun is a word that is used as the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns include names of locations, people, objects that we can touch,…

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Pronouns are the words that are used in place of nouns. Repetitive use of nouns in a sentence makes the writing or speaking redundant and grammatically wrong. Hence, we use…

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Verb: A verb is a word that expresses a physical action, mental action or a state of being.Examples,• He is selling hot cakes.• He guessed the right number.• He is…

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Adjectives are words that are used describe or modify nouns or pronouns. These are the words that give more information about nouns and pronouns.Examples,• Look at the huge animal!• It…

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Articles are a part of speech and are used before nouns to define the uses of nouns in a sentence. Articles give some information about the nouns.There are three articles…

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Punctuation marks are various markings or symbols used in the English language to guide the reader through the text and understand it better. Some common punctuations marks are:• Full stop•…

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Ability to understand situation-based variations in functions like requests, Refusals, Apologies, etc.

In our day to day life, we are faced with many situations. It is very important to respond in a particular situation appropriately. We should try to respond in a…

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A preposition is a word that links a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to some other part of the sentence. For English learners, prepositions might be challenging. There is no…

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Voice is a grammatical category that applies to the verb in a sentence. It shows the relationship between the doer of an action (subject) and the receiver of that action…

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The biggest advantage of these Free English Olympiad Preparation PDF is that they are up-to-date with the latest topics of different English Olympiad across the world. You can also check Free Sample Papers for Level 1 English Olympiad and Free Sample Papers for Level 2 Olympiad.


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